I love this picture because it really captures how I always pictured Pablo Picasso. Being a very hard, almost disturbing looking figure. I love the texture of the stone walls around Picasso. It helps to make him stand out. It also adds to the affect of making him look very hard and rough. The way Karsh lit Picasso, I love. It really makes the wrinkles on the forehead and the scowl really stand out. It looks like there is just one spot light shining down on Picasso making him the centre of attention. I think there must be a light shining from the upper right down onto the subject as well as one shining from the centre of the right. It really brings out the shadow to the side of Picasso. I like the positioning of the subject as well. He looks like a very small man in the frame, the way his eyes aren't in the usual, top third of the image but more towards the centre. I imagine that the Karsh probably dodged out the centre a little to brighten up Picasso and really make a black background around him. I could see Karsh maybe having Pre Flashed the image, to help bring down the light on that wall. I image with a light shining that harshly, it was probably very bright. He definitely has bumped up the contrast on this image because the blacks are very black and the lights are nice and bright.