Friday, December 17, 2010

Dog Sled Training Day!

On Wednesday I finally got to do some training with the dogsleds. Dan, myself and a new member to the team Kieran were up there snapping away.  There were only 2 tours, one with 3 sleds and then a school group which required 5 sleds. That's about 8 dogs per sled, with 5 sleds. You do the math. I'm pretty sure one of the guides said that there can be up to 60 dogs there. Awesome! I take candid photos of the people working with the dogs before hand and while their helping set up the line. Then I walk out on the trail and make sure to get far enough away from the trail so I don't get peed on as the dogs come by.  The snow is so deep when I first stepped in it I wasn't ready and I sunk in to my waste. I then had to pat the snow around me a do a kind of roll to get out. It was very entertaining. I don't know all the dogs names yet, so once I know them I'll put names to faces. For now you'll just have to enjoy the unnamed photos! 

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