Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stress Test!

So yesterday was a pretty eventful day! I woke up as per the usual and found myself feeling so crappy. I did my regular routine and down to my jeep. I get in and start on my way, I look both ways before I enter the street and notice something out of the corner of my eye. I get out of my car and walk to the other side and low and behold somebody has spray painted the whole side of my car, windows and all. The only thing I could think was thank goodness they didn't write something. So then I go to school and it's the regular kinda of day, out shooting in the morning and then shooting again in the afternoon. Our class is told we aren't aloud back in until 3: 15. So we all come back up at that time and grab our stuff to head to the computer lab. When Laura notices that her Debit card and money is missing. Everybody checks there stuff and more people have their Visas, Debit Cards and money gone. We were all in complete shock! How could one of the 36 of us, who we just spent the day before bonding with, do something like that!? Of course the police were called and such, but talk about stress. We all felt completely violated! We don't know what they were touching. I was looking threw pictures from the school trip and I didn't even want to look at the other students, cause I don't know who it is. I don't know what it's going to be like on Monday. Very Very awkward is my guess.

I'm not going to be able to look anybody in the eye other than my classmates.


  1. stupid car vandals!!
    and totally know what you mean bout the school thief!
    what a complete loser!
    i hope they read this and are man/woman enough to own up to it!

  2. p.s. i like ur profile pic jill, really nice!
